Reciprocal Clubs


Northern GC, Medway GC, Sanctuary Lakes GC & Kooringal GC have formed a new local reciprocal arrangement known as “Inner North West Golf” and will replace the existing “Golf West” arrangements.

The Board’s of the four respective Clubs believe that the new arrangements create a better alignment between the four like minded clubs and add value to membership. The terms and conditions for the new arrangements are below, as is the availability of slots at each club. A notable change is that the Inner North West Golf will be open to 5, 6 and 7 Day members of each club, as this was not the case with the Golf West card.

The arrangements below will come into place from the week commencing Monday 6 November 2023. The arrangements with Golf West will cease at the end of October 2023.

Club’s Involved :       Medway, Northern, Sanctuary Lakes and Kooringal
Eligibility :                  Open to financial 5, 6 & 7 Day members of each club
Timesheet Access :   Subject to the rules at each club. The Club’s reserve the right to withdraw the slots on a
                                     given week if there is a Public Holiday or a pre-arranged commitment, such as hosting
                                     Pennant or a Golf Aust event, a corporate golf day, greens renovations etc.
Identification :          Members to provide driver’s license and Golf Link card when registering on the day.
Weekly slots:             6 x 4s each week offered by each club. Booking requests outside of the designated
                                     times to pay a green fee if slots are available.
Cap on rounds:          A maximum of two games per annum at each club per eligible member.
Green fee:                  A green fee will be applicable for any player after they have had two free rounds.
Comp Eligibility:        Strongly preferred that a comp fee is paid. Ineligible for major club events
Members Guests:     To avoid any doubt, should a member bring along a guest from one of the Inner North
                                     West Golf clubs, a standard member introduced green fee will be applicable. The only
                                     complimentary rounds are in the designated slots for Inner North West Golf members.


– Bookings by telephone only by calling the Kooringal Golf Shop on 9315 0855
– Bookings will open at 9am seven days prior.
– Tee time availability as follows:
                         Mon 1 x 4 at 11am & 11.08am, 
                         Wed 1 x 4 at 11am & 11.08am,       
                          Fri 1 x 4 at 11am & 11.08am

– Bookings by telephone only by calling the Medway Pro Shop on 9317 9031
– Bookings will open at 9am seven days prior.
– Tee time availability as follows:
                        Mon 1 x 4 at 12 noon & 12.08pm,    
                         Tues 1 x 4 at 12 noon & 12.08pm,      
                         Fri 1 x 4 at 12 noon & 12.08pm

– Bookings by telephone only by calling the Sanctuary Lakes Golf Shop on 9394 9444
– Bookings will open at 9am eight days prior.
– Tee time availability as follows:
                         Tues 1 x 4 at 11.03am & 11.12am,    
                          Thur 1 x 4 at 11.03am & 11.12am,      
                          Fri 1 x 4 at 11.03am & 11.12am

Bookings by telephone only by calling the Northern Pro Shop on 9300 2488
– Bookings will open at 9am six days prior.
– Tee time availability as follows:
                        Mon 1 x 4 at 11am & 11.08am,    
                        Tues 1 x 4 at 11am & 11.08am,      
                        Thur 1 x 4 at 12.15pm & 12.22pm

Red Reciprocal Card

Medway 6 & 7 Day members also receive a “red” reciprocal card that entitles the member to 1- free round at the courses on the card on the basis the card is produced at time of play and stamped. Weekend play is subject to each host club depending on availability but not guaranteed.

Members who qualify are Corporate 7 & 6 day, 6 day full, Members 4 life, Life, Intermediate, Corporate, and Young Adult.

Courses include Gardiners Run, Anglesea, Mornington etc

FULL RECIPROCAL RIGHTS    As a member of Medway Golf Club, you are entitled to enjoy Reciprocal Playing Rights with the clubs on the reciprocal page.

If it is your intention to visit one of these Clubs, please observe the following:

  1. Take your Golflink card or a current handicap card signed by the Manager or a Committee Member;
  2. Call the Club before you leave home to ensure that it is all right to play on the day you have designated;

Remember, you are an ambassador of the Medway Golf Club and as such, ensure you follow the Rules and Regulations of your host Club.

It is a privilege to have a Reciprocal Agreement with these Clubs and it is important that everyone strives to maintain that which has been established.

Please note that at some reciprocal clubs, a small green fee may apply. Members should only arrange to play at the reciprocal club on the basis of their normal Medway membership category. 


Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club

Address: Cnr Gundaroo & Gungahlin Drives, Nicholls, 2911

Phone: (02) 6242 6283

Pro Shop: (02) 6242 4662


Suva Golf Club

Address: 15 Rifle Range Road, Vatuwaqa

Phone: (0011)679 382 872

Pro Shop: (0011)679 386 431


Bali National Golf Club – Partner

For partner rates for golf bookings and accommodation reservations contact All Medway members must have a letter of introduction from the club office prior to arriving.

Address: Kawasan Wisata, Lot S-5, Nusa Dua Bali, 80363

Phone: (+62 361) 771 791

Fax: (+62 361) 771 797


Port Macquarie Golf Club

Address: Ocean Drive, Port Macquarie NSW 2444

Phone: (02) 6582 0409

Tura Beach Golf Club

Address: The Fairway, Tura Beach 2548

Phone: (02 )6495 9002

Massey Park Golf Club

Address: Ian Parade, Concord, 2137

Phone: (02) 9743 4113

Gosford Golf Club

Address: Racecourse Road, Gosford, 2250

Phone: (02) 4325 0361

Pro Shop: (02) 4325 1856

Barham Golf Club – Partner Club

$25.00 daily

Address: Moulamein Road, Barham, 2732

Phone: (03) 5453 2772

Pro Shop: (03) 5453 2971

Coomealla Golf Club – Partner Club

18 holes $20, 9 holes $10

Address: River Road, Dareton, 2717

Phone: (03)5027 4388

Murray Downs Golf Club – Partner

$25 weekend 50% off midweek

Address: Murray Downs Drive

Phone: (03) 5033 1422

Pambula Merimula Golf Club – Partner

60% of the daily green fee payable

Address: Arthur Kaine Drive, Pambula NSW 2549

Phone: (02) 6495 6154

Springwood Country Club Limited – Partner

50% off green fee

Address: Hawksbury Road, Springwood, 2777

Phone: (02)4751 1122

Rich River Golf Club – Partner

50% off green fee 

Address: Twenty Four Ln, Moama

Phone: (03) 5481 3333

Tocumwal Golf Club – Partner Club

50% off green fee

Partner Accommodation in Tocumwal

Our modern, large home consists of 5 bedrooms, large living areas, fully equipped kitchen, pool and is just 1.6km from the golf club, making it a popular stay for golf groups that want some space and not just a motel room. 

Make sure you let the owner know you saw this add and are a Medway member.

Address: Barooga Rd, Tocumwal NSW 2714

Phone: (03) 5874 9111


Hervey Bay Golf Club

50% off green fee

Address: Old Maryborough rd & Tooth St

Pialba Qld 4655


Virginia Golf Club

Address: Elliot Road, Banyo, 4014

Phone: (07) 3267 6333

Pro Shop: (07) 3267 7057

Toowoomba Golf Club

Address: Rowbotham Street, Toowoomba, 4352

Phone: (07) 4635 1219

Pro Shop: (07) 4635 4182

Surfers Paradise Golf Club – Partner

50% off green fee

Address: 1 Fairway Dr, Clear Island Waters QLD 4226

Phone: (07) 5572 6088


Mt Osmond GC

Full reciprocal- 60 Mt Osmond Rd, Mt Osmond SA 

Address: 60 Mt Osmond Rd, Mt Osmond

Phone: 83791673

Flagstaff Hill Golf Club

Full reciprocal partner

Memford Way, Flagstaff Hill 

South Australia 5159

Sandy Beach Golf Club- Barossa Valley

Address: Williamstown Road, Sandy Creek, 5350

Phone: see website for contact details

West Lakes Golf Club

Address: 26 Lochside Drive, West Lakes, 5021

Phone: (08) 8268 3850

Pro Shop: (08) 8268 3054

Barmera Golf Club – Partner Club


Address: Hawdon Street, Barmera, 5345

Phone: (08)8588 2350


Claremont Golf Club

Address: Bournville Crescent, Claremont 7011

Phone: 6249 1000


Valley View Golf & Country Club

Address: Curr Road, Mt Scobie, 3620

Phone: (03) 5852 1490

Maryborough Golf & Bowls Club

Address: Park Road, Maryborough, 3465

Phone: (03) 5460 4900


Bunbury Golf Club

Western Australia



Geraldton GC

Full reciprocal.

Up to 6 rounds 

Mosman Park Golf Club

Address: 2 Marshall St, Mosman Park WA 6012

Phone: (08) 9384 6312