3rd March 2025

Medway $10000 Draw

  • Tickets available from the office and Rick Horwood.
  • A great afternoon at the club with Andrew Loadsman Live. 4 hours beverage with food.
  • Fundraising towards golf course projects.
  • You do not have to attend in order to win the $10,000 prize.
  • Can all members with outstanding tickets please return to Beth or Rick Horwood by Saturday March 8. Only a small amount of tickets left.



Elections, Annual Report and AGM

With assistance from our legal professionals, ASIC and our Auditors the club is now moving from a Jan 1 – Dec 31 financial year to a Jan 1 2024 – March 30 2025  financial year. 

The date for the AGM is Tuesday June 10 2025 at 7pm. 

Appropriate notice periods will be followed to call for nominations for Board positions and they will be well publicized. We thank Richard B, Stacie G and Paul B for their time on the Board over the past few years, and the upcoming nominations will have 2 X 3 year terms and 2 X 2 year terms for Directors positions as well as the President position all becoming available.

Medway Strategy 

As we looked ahead to the future, it was clear the golf industry in Australia is evolving rapidly, with new technologies, changing demographics, and shifting expectations from members and customers. To stay competitive and ensure that golf remains a vibrant and thriving sport, it is essential that Medway Golf Club is proactively planning for our future.

The Strategic Plan is designed to do that. It aligns with the “Strategy for Australian Golf,” which aims to make golf more accessible, welcoming, and enjoyable for all Australians. At the same time, it addresses the unique needs and challenges facing Medway Golf Club specifically, considering the feedback of members, our culture, and values.

Strategy Summary 


Melbourne Water Sewer Project  

The Board has commenced discussions with Melbourne Water as to how the next 24 months will look like in regards to support for the club. The Board will utilize external assistance if required to ensure the club has the best outcome possible due to the impact to the club.

We believe the re-tender process has been completed for  ongoing project start date mid 2025. All the current works completed have no impact on the remainder of the works and progress will continue with the amended outcome tunnelling under the river.

Administration and Systems

As per the Strategy above in 2025 we will be moving to some new systems behind the scenes to improve efficiencies.

Xero Financial will replace MPower financials during the year. Amanda is in the office 1 day per week to set up for us with office staff assisting the transition.

Our payroll system will move to Xero Payroll also.

Around July  we will move away from MPower membership system and replace with MiClub’s Mi Membership. Members won’t see  a lot of change- however it’s a major task and for the best of the club moving forward. There will be a supporting Club App which will be much more user friendly for House act tops up etc. We already use Miclubs website, Miscore App, Golf Competition Management software so a total integration will help us and you moving forward.

The systems are cloud based and easier to use and future HR needs will be easier to recruit staff as they are more widely used than the older Mpower system. 


Happy Birthday Medway- 90 years old

Social Media

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Medway Golf Club on Facebook- like us/ follow us

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