30th August 2024

Membership Strategy

The Board and Membership Sub Committee are investigating current member trends along with industry data. We are seeing a shift away from traditional peak weekend golf to more midweek golf access.

We also acknowledge;

A shift toward social playing, lower priced options

A high demand for tee times Saturday prior to 9am remains but less demand after 11am.

A high number of member rounds played outside of traditional competition days typically Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Continued focus on our Women’s Trial and Junior memberships

A reflection of cost of living pressures

Fees and Charges

A 1.2% credit or debit card charge will apply to membership payments paid to the office, no charge for direct bank transfer.

An $80 admin fee will apply for payment arrangements.

If any member is intending to change category or resign, due to high membership numbers, please contact Sue in the office ASAP via email or in person.

Any queries please contact Sue.

The clubs policies regarding membership playing rights and the constitution are all located on our Policies page.

Online Credit Card Payments and House Top Ups– go to my info/ my account to pay in full or to top up house account. Subscription fees can be paid by this method. Please choose subscriptions to pay fees.

Pay by Bank Transfer

Medway Bank Account – BSB 063-132 Account 11033328- Note member name or member number for reconciliation

Current Member Numbers


Member TypesAugust 20242024 (Jan )2019 (Dec)
7 day (inc Corporate)295 (42 corp)334 (inc 41 corp)314 (34)
6 day12213471
5 day168176165
Life Honorary1098
Permanent (2011)232323
7 day lite- (ends April 2022)n/a93
Young Adult 21-24 (inc tertiary student)1146
Intermediate 18-20813n/a
Junior Under 174551 (inc 14 MSC)45
Social Playing (Holding)866866
Social Non Playing101021
Women’s Trial406011
Cadet (8-11 junior)202113
PGA Pro674


As of April all clubs and equipment that members store onsite are at owners risk. Our insurance is of a level that if a major fire or theft occurs there is too much risk on the club. We encourage members to insure their equipment under their home and contents.

Member Equipment Insurance

All members of Medway are covered for lost/ stolen or damaged personal golf equipment to the value up to $5,000 taken out by the club and paid by the club on behalf of members.

This cover relates to member Golf Clubs and Golf Buggies but not private Golf carts or ride-ons.

The excess on member insurance claims is $1000.

Members should take a current photo of their golf equipment to assist with successful and speedy claims and receipts if possible.

For claims of this type please contact the club manager for forms and assistance, and we strongly encourage the quote and business to go through the Medway Golf Shop.

The Club encourages members to take out their own equipment insurance with their home and contents provider if they wish to insure for damage/ theft especially for lower replacement items like drivers, putters or electric buggies.

We also encourage members with clubs and buggies in the old golfshop (buggy club storage) to also consider taking out personal insurance for their golf equipment in case of a major theft or fire. There is a total limit on claims of $50,000 under this insurance which may not cover all equipment in storage.

The Club expects all members who store private carts onsite or use private carts to take out their own insurance for ride on and golf cart equipment. A copy of insurance must be provided to the office each membership year.

Member Liability (Golf Australia) Coverage

The Golf Australia Members liability covers all members of all clubs in Australia for liability. The coverage is taken out by Golf Australia with insurer Sportscover, and charged to all golf clubs. Each club then forwards the fee to members. In Medway’s case it is part of the $100 annual GA fee which covers Handicapping/ Golflink fees/ general golf services provided by GA and a member liability insurance anywhere in Australia.

Detailed information is on the Golf Australia Website

In summary;

This insurance covers members only whilst on the golf course from a liability point of view even those riding in private or club golf carts.

This also extends to damage to cars etc. Although cars are parked at owners risk in our club, if damage to a members car is caused by another member and both members can be identified, the car damage can be claimed through the Golf Australia Sportscover insurance with no excess

The club also encourage members seek out information from their own car insurance.

Forms are available from the office.

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